Лекция: HOG MANAGEMENT 5 страница

The technique of artificial insemination is to obtain semen from tried and outstanding sires, to store it under proper conditions until it is needed and to use it.

There are two ways of storing the semen obtained. The first way is to store the semen during the short period of time. In this case it is diluted with some diluent. The second way is to store the semen over long periods. Then it should be frozen. No decrease in the quality of semen takes place in freezing it. The freezing of semen for storage over long periods is a good means of preser­ving the semen. It is now practised is many countries. By means of freezing the semen it is now possible to have the reserves of sperm of most outstanding sires and to use it is different parts of the world.

The artificial insemination technique is of great importance for the improvement of farm animals, since only the best sires may be used in breeding.

XIII. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What country was the first to use the artificial insemination method for farm animal improvement?

2. What farm animals is this method applied now to?


*bee – пчела


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History and Importance of Artificial Insemination

The method of artificial insemination was first applied to dogs by Lazzaro Spallanzani, an Italian physiologist as early as in 1780. At that time the method aroused only scientific interest. Some practical use of artificial insemination was made in horse breeding about 1890. Wide use of artificial breeding for improvement in farm animals was first made in the USSR through the work by Ivanov. He started the program with horses about 1900 and soon included cattle and sheep; by 1938 the technique had been in common practice for breeding mares, cows and ewes.

This method is widely used for providing service to hogs. In several countries 50 per cent of sows are now bred by artificial insemination. From Denmark, Russia, the USA and England this advanced system of breeding has spread to every country in the world.

The method of artificial insemination is now applied to all classes of farm animals as well as poultry and bees*. It is a breeding technique which has proved to be very successful.

XIV. Прочтите текст, выделите в нем две основные части и озаглавьте их по-английски.

Care and Management of the Male before Semen Collection

Production of high-quality semen depends on the care and ma­nagement given to the male before the time of semen collection. The amount of total digestible nutrients required for different mature animals varies greatly. Severe underfeeding** does not


*bee — пчела

**underfeed – недокармливать



reduce sperm production in a mature bull. Overfeeding* at this age results in the limits of the animal's reproductive life. Rams fed the ration of different nutrition during the growing stage show no difference in semen production. Neither overfeeding nor se­vere underfeeding are allowed for the boar. The stallion should gain slightly in weight during the mating season. Exercise is abso­lutely necessary to keep males in optimum breeding condition. Most bulls are in better physical condition by means of moderate exer­cise. This can be provided in several ways. Exercise is not a prob­lem for rams. But as to the boar it is necessary to provide him either with a pasture or to make him exercise by locating feed some distance from his pen. Exercise is highly important for the stallion. The work in the harness** each day is recommended.





I. Повторение пройденных

грамматических конструкций и лексики

I. Слова и выражения для повторения:

а) по разделам животноводства:

Cattle, cattle breeding, cattle breeder, dairy cattle, beef cattle, cow, pregnant cow, bull, heifer, calf (calves), meat, milk, whole milk, skim milk, veal, cowshed, barn, to dry off, to calve, calving pen, lactation, stanchion. Hog, pig, sow, brood (pregnant) sow, boar, pigsty, piggery, lit­ter, to farrow, farrowing pen, prolific, prolificacy. Sheep, ewe, lamb, ram, wool, mutton, to lamb, lambing pen, sheep- pen,



**harness — упряжь

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mountain flock, lowground flock.

Horse, light horse, work horse, mare, brood mare, foal, stallion, to foal, foaling-box, stable.

Poultry, fowls, chicken, hen, cockerel, pullet, duck, goose (geese), turkey, incubator, table bird, to lay, laying season, laying batteries, egg laying, shell, to hatch, broody hen, setting, intensive system of keeping, semi-intensive system of keeping, free-range system of keeping.

Artificial Insemination, tried sire, inferior bull, infertility, semen, sperm, to dilute, diluent, to freeze, to store.

б) Термины, относящиеся ко всем разделам животноводства:

Animal husbandry, breeding of farm animals, domestic animals, li­vestock, a breed, kind, productive, healthy, proper, care, manage­ment, acre, average, yield, area, amount, live weight, supplementa­ry, quality, quantity, age, male, female, pound, birth, gain, sour­ce, content, scour, mature, valuable, common, growth, ration, thrif­ty condition, life, colostrum, dam, box-stall, udder, rate, sire, gestation, fair flesh, hand mating, available, breeding season, manger, water supply, vigorous, breeding condition, purebred, regi­on, to fatten in the dry lot, teat, newborn, enclosure, creep, di­sease, parasite, portable house, thin flesh, trough, hopper, pe­digree stock.


(grading-up, purebreeding)

Much of the improvement of the conformation, type and producti­vity of domestic animals has been done through the use of carefully planned breeding systems.

The most common systems of breeding are grading-up, purebreeding crossbreeding, inbreeding and linebreeding.


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Artificial insemination technique is known to be an extremely valuable aid in carrying out various mating systems; particularly if semen can be frozen, transferred and kept for long periods.

Grading-up and Purebreeding

These two systems of breeding involve the mating of animals of the same breed.

Grading-up is the process of improving herds and flocks by the continued generation-after-generation use of good purebred males on scrub females of the same breed. Grading-up is a common practi­ce in the production of commercial livestock.

Many of the breeders of livestock who produce animals or animal products such as milk, butter fat and wool for the market do not maintain purebred herds and many of them still have scrub females that are mated to inferior males. For most of these breeders the road to improvement lies in the use of good purebred sires on the scrub females they have. By means of careful selection of females in each succeeding generation and the continued use of purebred sires from the same breed, it is possible to fix the desirable qualities and to establish a herd of high grades. The value of this process of grading-up in swine has been shown by many experi­ments. Starting with scrub pigs, purebred sires were used for not less than three generations. This resulted in marked improvement in type and quality as well as in the rate of gain and that of feed required for 100 pounds of gain.

Purebreeding involves the mating of purebred sires and purebredfemales of the same breed. It is largely used in breeding pedigree stock.

Under both systems of breeding animals to be mated are selected according to their body conformation, vigour, growth rate and production records.


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grade, grading-up, crossbreeding, inbreeding, linebreeding, to carry out, scrub, to fix, swine, to establish, production records, productivity, pedigree.

II. Выделите пройденные грамматические и лексические структуры в следующих предложениях; переведите.

1. То improve the breeds of cattle by means of the artificial insemination method one should use only outstanding bulls. 2. The semen to be used should be of the body temperature. 3. Nо improvement in the herd can be expected unless tried sires are used. 4. If the herd bull runs with the herd, it is difficult for the breeder to keep a breeding record showing when each cow is to calve. 5. Unlike the other farm animals sows can be bred for two litters a year. 6. Good silage can be made from legumes, provided the latter do not contain too much water. 7. Being in thin condition, ewes are unlike­ly to produce strong and healthy lambs. 8. If the mare had any trouble in foaling, she should be helped by the breeder. 9. The ewes providing the lambs with enough milk, it is best not to wean them until they are four or five months old. 10. The amount of feed to be given to the boar before and during the breeding season is known to vary with his condition. 11. The harder is the work the more concentrates should be given to the horse. 12. The best prac­tice is to feed the pregnant females some distance from the pen to force them to take exercise. 13. It is in cattle breeding that ar­tificial insemination is widely used now.

14. After foaling the mare was given some warm water followed by bran.

III. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What are the methods of improving livestock?

2. Why is artificial insemination a valuable aid to mating systems?



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3. What is grading-up?

4. What are the results of the experiments on grading-up with swine?

5. What is purebreeding?

IV. Переведите на английский язык.

а) малорослое животное, закреплять, низкокачественный, свинья, родственное разведение, создавать, межпородное скрещивание, скрещивание в целях улучшения в пределах одной породы, высоко­качественный, чистопородное разведение, вести (проводить)

б) I. Имеются различные методы разведения сельскохозяйственных животных. 2. Метод разведения в целях улучшения в пределах одной породы широко используется при производстве товарного скота. 3. При этом методе самки низкого качества спариваются
с чистопородными производителями. 4. Такое спаривание прово­дится поколение за поколением. 5. Оно приводит к заметному улучшению качества потомства.6.Спаривание чистопородных производителей и чистопородных самок одной породы называется
чистопородным разведением.

в) I. Задача разведения сельскохозяйственных животных состоит в том, чтобы улучшить их качество или создать новую породу. 2. Улучшение качества сельскохозяйственных животных означает повышение их продуктивности. 3. Для создания высокопродуктив­ных чистопородных племенных стад используют в основном метод чистопородного разведения. 4. Скотоводческие хозяйства, выра­щивающие животных на мясо и для получения молока, нуждаются в высокопродуктивных стадах, которые создаются ими с помощью межпородного скрещивания. 5. Чистопородное разведение, как известно, в основном используется для получения племенных животных.


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VI. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы по-английски (по-русски).

1. What is a breed?

2. What are the three ways of establishing modern breeds?


A breed of livestock is a group of animals within a species* that has the characteristics not found in other animals of the same species. Generations of selective breeding have fixed these characteristics so that they are transmitted from generation to generation.

Modern breeds have been established in three ways:

1. By mating imported males with the unimproved native females. For instance, the Thoroughbred breed of horses was developed in the 18th century by crossing improved Arabian and Turkish stallions with the native mares of England.

2. By systematically selecting and mating the original stock.
Belgian horses, for instance, have been obtained in a pure line
from the old Flemish horse.

3.By crossing two or more different breeds and then by ma­king selections. The Corriedale breed of sheep was developed in New Zealand by crossing Lincoln and Leicester rams with Merino ewes.



*species- разновидность, вид


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I. Повторение пройденных грамматических конструкций и лексики

I. Слова и выражения для повторения:

a) Feeds, crop, grass, pasture, grain, oats, wheat, barley, rye, corn, root crop, legume hay, mixed hay, alfalfa, clover, sorghum, maize, turnip, soybean, linseed meal, cottonseed meal, bran, forage, fodder, succulent, roughage, concentrate, silage, water, straw, fat, protein, fibre, carbohydrate, mineral, vitamin, permanent, temporary, natural, cultivated (pasture), scarce, pala­table, digestive, laxative, digestible, a bulky feed, nutrients, feeding value, nutritious

b) глаголы, используемые в разных разделах животноводства:

to produce, to feed (fed), to breed (bred), to use, to grow, (grew, grown), to raise, to keep (kept), to take exercise, to provide, to milk, to clean, to rear, to fatten, to light, to ventilate, to graze, to consume, to vary with, to depend on, to wean, to separate, to weigh, to require, to put, to eat, to cause, to contain, to vary in, to develop, to receive, to calve, to farrow, to lamb, to lay, to foal, to dry off, to suck, to secrete, to drink, to decrease, to increase, to need, to mate, to do well, to follow, to influence, to allow, to freeze, to mean

c) прочие слова и выражения:

some, the same, in order to, by hand, as well as, as well,


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as to, as… as, both, both… and, either… or, neither… nor, the… the, a day, per day, daily, most, to be low in, to be high in, rich in, plenty of, one, is of, as much as, as little as, as much as possible, until, unless, for, too, after, before, since, like, unlike, provided, that, that is, that is why, so that, due, due to, be due to, much, the former, the latter, as soon as, would, should, only, the only, mean, by means of, re­sult in, result from, whether, it is… that, it, there is (are), no, seem, is likely to, is unlikely to, is known to

SYSTEMS OF BREEDING AND IMPROVING LIVESTOCK (Crossbreeding, inbreeding, linebreeding)

Crossbreeding is the mating of animals belonging to two or more different breeds. So, there are two-way crossing, three-way crossing and so on. At present crossbreeding has been carried out most extensively with swine, although many sheep raisers and raisers of beef cattle are using this system of breed­ing.

Most experiments convincingly prove that the crossing of breeds usually results in crosses that show more vigour and faster growth than their purebred parents. This phenomenon is called hybrid vigour or heterosis.

The main advantages of crossbreeding are the greater vitality and faster growth of the crossbred offspring. Faster growth re­sults in less feed and labour expenses and less risk because the animals reach the market weight in a shorter period of time. The use of crossbred females in the breeding herd also results in some increase in productivity, which means a larger number of the young is born alive and raised to weaning. In addition, weaning weights are usually heavier because


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of the higher milking capacity of crossbred females and the more efficient growth mechanism of the crossbred offspring.

The animals used in crossbreeding may be either grade or purebred.

Most of the value of crossbreeding is in the first cross. La­ter crosses add less to the productivity of the herd.

Inbreeding. This system involves the mating of closely related animals such as sire and daughter, full brothers and sisters or dam and son.

The success of inbreeding depends on the qualities of the pa­rents. That is why careful selection of the most vigorous animals should be made.

Inbreeding should be used with caution and only by breeders with superior stock. One should remember that the offspring may pos­sess desirable qualities as well as undesirable ones.

Linebreeding. Linebreeding is similar to inbreeding but in­volves the breeding of animals less closely related. The mating of cousins and of grandsire with granddaughters are examples of linebreeding.

Aconsiderable amount of linebreeding has been done by breed­ers of purebreds. This system involves the mating of two indivi­duals that trace in pedigree to the same individual or line of breeding. This system makes it possible to concentrate on the qualities of a superior ancestor.

Активные слова и выражения

parents, hybrid vigour, vitality, alive, efficient, crossbred, related, to posses, cross, two-way crossing, superior

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II. Выделите пройденные грамматические и лексические структуры в следующих предложениях; переведите.

1. As the calf grows, the daily milk ration can be increased to a maximum of 15 pounds. 2. The longer the calf is with its dam the more difficulty it has in learning to drink from a pail. 3. No good results can be obtained from either too thin or too fat rams. 4. After the secretion of milk has stopped, the ewes are to be provided with good grazing in order to be in thrifty con­dition when the breeding season comes again.

5. Unlike the other farm animals sheep are known to dislike a very warm place to sleep in. 6. The decrease in weight may be due to the lack of di­gestible carbohydrates and protein. 7. Before placing eggs in incubators the letter should be prepared well. 8. Eggs to be hatched in incubators ought to be fresh, clean and unwashed. 9. One should regulate the temperature and humidity in the incubators used. 10. Concentrate feeding should begin as early as possible in raising calves. 11. The amount of grain consumed doеs not seem to be more than 1/4 pound daily until the calves are a month old. 12. The amount and kind of feed given to the cow is influenced by her age and milk production. 13. The feeding of lambs on pasture was fol­lowed by concentrated ration in troughs. 14. Of many hog breeds it is necessary to choose the one the farmers may raise under northern conditions.

III. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. In what branches of animal husbandry is crossbreeding practised?

2. Why is crossbreeding effective?

3. What is heterosis?

4. What is inbreeding?


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5. What does the success of inbreeding depend on?

6. Why should inbreeding be used with caution?

7. What is linebreeding?

IV. Переведите на английский язык.

а) гибридная сила, родственный, линейное разведение, обладать, живой, помесь, жизнеспособность, эффективный, родители, по­месный, двухпородное скрещивание

б) I. Межпородное скрещивание используется для улучшения породы или для создания новой. 2. Животные, получаемые в результате такого скрещивания, называются помесными. 3. Для закрепления качеств родителей часто применяется метод родственного разве­дения. 4. В этом случае спариваются близкородственные животные.

5. Метод родственного разведения дает различные результаты.

6. Если особенности спариваемых близкородных животных хорошие,
то и потомство будет обладать хорошими качествами.

в) I. Установлено, что помесные свиноматки дают большие пометы, при этом каждый поросенок весит больше, чем чистопородный по­росенок в этом же возрасте. 2. Племенная работа в овцеводстве включает мероприятия, направленные на повышение племенных и продуктивных качеств овец. 3.На государственных конных завода* ведется большая работа по совершенствованию основных пород ло­шадей, а также по выращиванию племенных производителей для совхозов и колхозов. 4. Основная задача наших селекционеров в области птицеводства — это получение в результате скрещива­ний высокопродуктивных гибридов. 5. Помеси, полученные в ре­зультате трех- и четырехпородного скрещивания, обладают лучшими откормочными качествами, чем двухпородные помеси.



*конный завод — stud farm"


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V.Прочтите текст и передайте его содержание по-английски (по-русски).

Crossbreeding in Swine

The experiments with swine have shown that crossbreeding is an effective means of increasing not only vigour and size of the offspring but also the prolificacy of the sows. The increased litter size is of great economic importance. It has been shown that a crossbred sow is a highly prolific one if mated to a pure­bred boar. The crossbred sows produce litters with more pigs per sow at farrowing and at weaning time and each pig weighs 5 to 7 pounds more than purebred pigs. The crossbred pigs reach the weight of 225 pounds 17 to 22 days earlier than comparable purebreds and require less feed to do so. The increased vigour does not usually raise the level of production above that already existing in the herd or flock.

The method of artificial insemination is an extremely valuable practical aid to crossbreeding in swine as well as in other clas­ses of farm animals. The possibility of freezing semen without decreasing its quality is of great importance in the practice of improving the farm livestock.

Повторение темы «BREEDING»

I. Прочтите текст и передайте кратко по-русски (по-английски) содер­жание каждого абзаца.

Reproduction of Farm Animals

When animals become sufficiently mature to be capable of re­production they are bred. The period after breeding, if a female becomes pregnant, is known as the gestation period, and the act of giving birth is called parturition*.



*parturition — роды


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In the case of the male it is desirable to restrict carefully the number of services when he is young.

Brood sows can be bred for two litters a year. For all other kinds of livestock it is usually desirable that the females should produce the offspring once a year.

Before breeding the females should be kept in a thrifty condition. Special feeding conditions are recommended during a period of two to three weeks before breeding such animals as ewes and sows. In the case of ewes do this by providing a good pasture or by feeding 1/4 to 1/2 pound of grain per ewe per day. For sows increase the grain ration before breeding.

Keep males in good breeding condition but not fat. Provide exercise, together with proper amounts of feeds of various kinds for an animal to be a good sire. In order to obtain the maximum results from superior sires, artificial breeding is now being used especially with dairy cattle. This process known as artifi­cial insemination makes it possible to obtain more offspring from a given sire than by mating him in the usual way. The semen of the tried sire is collected and divided into some portions. Several females mау be mated by using this semen while under natural breeding conditions only one female is bred. By artificial insemination method it is possible to obtain several times as many offspring from one sire.

II.Прочтите следующий текст и ответьте по-русски на вопросы:

1. Какие виды учета являяются наиболее важными в животноводческом хозяйстве?

2.Почему важно знать сроки покрытия самок? (3 фактора).

3. Какие показатели продуктивности следует учитывать у свиноматок?

4. Как можно улучшить систему кормления в хозяйстве?



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Keeping Livestock Records

For the livestock farmer whose aim is to improve his herds and flocks records are essential. A system of records should give the necessary information about the animals kept on his farm. There are four main types of records. They are breeding records, produc­tion records, feed records and financial records.

Breeding records should include information about each breeding animal in the herd or flock, dates when females are bred, service sires used, dates when offspring are to be born, the dates when offspring were born, the number of offspring and the characteris­tics of the offspring.

Careful records of dates of breeding make it possible to know when offspring will be born. Such information makes it possible to control feeding and to take proper care of the pregnant female.

Records of production provide data* of the productivity of each animal on the farm. Production records for sows include the number of pigs farrowed and raised and weights of pigs and litters at fifty-six days and perhaps at sоmе later age. Production re­cords for dairy cows include yearly milk and butterfat records for each cow. With beef cattle, rate of gain is an important index of productivity. With sheep, the weight of wool and the number and weights of lambs are important in determining which females are to be kept and which are not. Such records are valuable for selecting animals in herds or flocks.

By proper use of records it is also possible to know the trans­mitting ability of sires and dams.

Feed records are very important in raising livestock and in fattening animals. By using the information on the feed consumed by different animals at different periods of the year and the results obtained the farmer may improve the feeding program on his farm.

Financial records may include cost accounts** for the entire farm or accounts for each kind of livestock.



*data – данные

** cost accounts – расчет стоимости



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Грамматика и лексика: 1. Сложное дополнение, § 9.

2. Функции инфинитива (повторение).

3. Значения слова that, § 24.

4. Парный союз «neither… nor»

5. Парные союзы (повторение)… I


Грамматика и лексика: I.Оборот for + существительное +инфинитив, § 18

2. due, due to, be due to… 8

Повторение темы “Hogs”…………………………………………………….14


Грамматика и лексика: I. Сложное подлежащее при сказуемых seem, is likely,

is unlikely, §8

2. Функции инфинитива (повторение)

3. Причастные обороты (повторение)

4. Значение слова «much»

5. the former, the latter…………………………………..16


Грамматика илексика: I. Сложные формы причастия


2. Формы с окончанием -ing

3. Союз «whether»… 23

Повторение темы «Sheep»… ..28


Грамматика: I. Особые случаи употребления и

перевода сказуемых в страдательном залоге, § 20

2. Причастие II (Past participle) как
правое определение к существительному, § 16

3. Функции причастия II (повторение)..........................30


Грамматика и лексика: 1. Самостоятельный причастный оборот


2. Функции причастия II(повторение)

3. Повторение пройденных грамматических и лексических структур.

4. only, the only ................................................................36

Повторение темы «Horses»… 42




Грамматика и лексика: I. Сложное подлежащее и сложное дополнение

с инфинитивом в сложной форме, §10

2. Значения слова It, §25… 45


Грамматика: I. Сложные формы герундия, § 13

2. Сложные формы причастия I

3. Глагол should после конструкции типа
it is necessary that...., § 22

4. Значения глаголов should, would
(повторение)… 52

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